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Grand Lodge

The Grand Zetetic Lodge of Hibernia

The Grand Zetetic Lodge of Hibernia is based in Dublin, Ireland. The Grand Lodge has jurisdiction over the other Irish lodges, and serves as the Irish branch of the Flat Earth Society. The function of the Grand Lodge is to facilitate the discussion and advancement of the Flat Earth Society, Flat Earth Theory, and the Zetetic Method, throughout Ireland and beyond. It is also an organisation through which like-minded free thinkers can associate and converse.

Established in February 2012, the lodge was founded by Michael N. Wilmore, Vice President of the Flat Earth Society, who serves as its Grand Master.


Joining the Lodge

To join the lodge, you should send an email to the Grand Master expressing your wish to join, or else speak to a lodge member directly. A meeting will be arranged, where you will be required to take an oath declaring your belief that the Earth is flat, and pledging yourself to the cause of the Grand Zetetic Lodge of Hibernia and the Flat Earth Society.


Lodge Activites

The lodge holds monthly meetings, at which business relating to the lodge and the Flat Earth Society is discussed. There are also social events, outings, and official debates and discussions.

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